Guerrilla Advertising is an unconventional way of performing promotional activities. Usually very funny or subtle, it’s a great way to promote a business with a low budget and generate buzz. But you’ll need lots of creativity.

Here are some great guerrilla ads examples. They are simply brilliant.

Vacuum cleaner ad:


Beer guerrilla in a bus:


Inventive mobile carrier ad:

mobile phones

FedEx, pointing out their speed of delivery:


McDonalds Panel:


Mini – Test your handling skills:


And in the same place (bathroom), a mini-football game:


Mr. Clean – Brilliant ad:


Casino ad in the airport:


Seafood restaurant guerrilla on the beach:


SuperGlue showing how powerful it is:


Watch brand ad in the bus (Try it here):


Durex with ribs:

durex guerilla ad

We're cute! Please share:


  1. Pingback: Skemmtilegar auglýsingar » - heitasti staðurinn á netinu » Potturinn

  2. These are FANTASTIC!

    Now I must go back and read to see if these are just concepts or real photos. I found this site with ‘Stumble Upon’ in Firefox.

  3. Pingback: Compilación de fotos curiosas.

  4. Pingback: Richard Trautmann

  5. Simply brilliant 🙂 I hope I’ll be able to do such interesting advertisings one day…

  6. Pingback: Guerrilla Marketing @ Waikato Diocesan Media

  7. As the co-author of Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days, I find these to be brilliant and very guerrilla like using time, energy and a whole lot of imagination. There is no limit to imagination. Please send me any good examples of guerrilla marketing and I will use them in my speeches around the country that I do for associations, corporations, conventions, meetings, etc. Thanks, Al.

    Al Lautenslager
  8. Pingback: Think » Blog Archive » Great Guerrilla Advertising

  9. Its definitely much more intrusive into peoples lives than conventional advertising, but it also leaves a lasting impression.

  10. Wow!!!

    There are some really imaginative and creative works here. I like it alot…this is good advertising and not like the stuff you see around. If all adverts were creative like that, people wouldn’t mind them!

  11. Pingback: PrikolÄ«gas reklāmas… « Thezeezee’s pierakstu klade

  12. Pingback: - Funny news and weird humor - Daily Updates » Great Guerilla Advertising (Part 2)

  13. Pingback: Great Guerilla Ads : Funny Boners

  14. Pingback: Publicidad de Guerrilla «

  15. Pingback: Das digitale Durcheinander · Wilde Werbung

  16. Pingback: Guerrilla Advertising

  17. Pingback: Examples of Contextual Advertising « Graphic Design and Digital Animation 3

  18. The ads for vacuum cleaner and FedEx services are hilarious! Hope this can inspire today’s marketers and usual boring ad banners will disappear.

    Helen Copy911
  19. and oh.. if anyone is looking for a new advertising student call 076 388 3527 or 082 870 5205 or e-mail [email protected]… im in South Africa, get me there

    Benni in cape town (paarl)
  20. Pingback: more on relational design « Cepeck87’s Blog

  21. Pingback: Tuesday Reading: Goldman Rolls; Small Business Surtax; Guerrilla Ads at The Brian Sullivan Blog

  22. one of the great strategy to attract more people…


  23. hi! i need your help. I need a creative idea on how to advertise my broadband product using guerilla advertising. My boadband product is the fastest in the industry. I need suggestions please. thanks.

    Angela Gutierrez
  24. Brilliant I love these new adverts, a sign saying ‘buy me now’ isnt enough! In my home city I saw some adverts on the floor advertising the space for rent for £69 Lol the irony of an advertising company advertising its self wasnt lost on me, made me laugh so hard when I saw it for the first time. Still makes me smile when I see it on my way to work.

    Phillip Argiile
  25. Some of these ideas are great, but they seem very expensive. Are there any simple, cheap ways of advertising?

  26. Pingback: Iklan- iklan sepak bola keren (3) « Small Idea Blog

  27. Pingback: Now that it’s over… « I am not a tourist

  28. Great ads! I don’t know how well I would feel about having to explain to my daughters about the giant condom on the ground…they may get a little bit weird.

    John Richards
  29. hahah these are SUCH amazing ideas, the baggage wheel and the Maccas post are all time.


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